Thursday, March 8, 2012

2011 Year in Review: November

Each year we try and make it to the demolition derby at the state fair. Last year they had an RV demotion derby and it was amazing, mostly cause one flipped on its side and caught on fire. This year we were totally expecting the coolest show. But they only had 3 RVs, nothing compared to last year. It was pretty funny when one of them had been hit so hard that a toilet was dangling in the back of it. As tradition stands, a few of us went pregnant. I have to say I loved my Reba shirt, that made it just that much more white trash. Granted my baby daddy made us all look super classy with his bud light camo wife beater ensemble. I pretty much had everyone fooled, especially the guys running the 5 dollar monster truck ride. They said I couldn’t go and wouldn’t let me on it, until I flashed them my fake stomach. At the end of the night it was pouring rain and I talked a guy who was selling a gun holster down from 140 to 60 bucks. I would have bought it not even having a gun for it, except I wanted it for 50 dollars instead.

My baby daddy

It wasn’t 40 days later that I was headed back up to Utah for a friend’s wedding. This trip was more of what we like to call a roommate reunion. We all went to Texas roadhouse for dinner and had a great time catching up. I still don’t know who gets married on a Tuesday, but it actually worked out because we got to spend the whole weekend plus a few days together. On Sunday Ashley had to teach the young women and it just happened to be on friends. And since all her friends were in town we each did part of the lesson. I shared my new favorite story about the 4 mutual girls, Hailey shared her story about being a friend to a boy in high school and Kara talked about her brother and how important friends are in helping us make good choices. The lesson was to about 13 beehives it just so happened that the yw president, bishop, stake young women’s counselor plus 2 regular yw leaders were in there. It was crazy! But thankfully the lesson went extremely well and flowed as each one of us shared our part. The funny part was that each of us thought we were the only ones crying…but it turns out we were all crying the entire lesson. It wasn’t till after that we realized we all made each other cry! Everyone said we did a great job. A lady even came by to give us banana bread and said it was just what the girls needed, that they had been having problems and the lesson addressed them perfectly. Then like 3 days later when Ashley had to go borrow a pot from a neighbor it was one of the girls moms that we taught and she too went on and on about how her daughter came home and told her all about it. I don’t think it’s very often that you get to give a lesson with a bunch of your friends and feel the spirit so strong, we were all so lucky to be there together. Bonnie Parkin would have been proud. Too bad she was in Newport with her family for Thanksgiving! Later that night we wanted to have a roommate dinner, mostly cause I wanted to have a toast and give gifts. The dinner was great and dessert as well. We played some nertz and then got all of Sister Dixons wine glasses and had the longest toasts ever, but they were hilarious and I’m pretty sure I almost spit out my drink a few times.

Dance party in the basement

We had dance parties galore where we came up with new sick moves and thankfully no one threw their back out (Kara-Erica’s wedding). We had a little roommate bachelorette party for Cris that I must say had the best strippers we have ever seen! And we will always remember the “cat” move for the rest of our ever living lives! I wanted to marry that stripper right then and there…too bad Hailey is dating him. All we did the whole rest of the night was try and imitate that move over and over again. We are sick dancers, but nothing will beat that move ever. Of course we played Nertz as many times as we could and my favorite: played roommate racquetball. It has been years since we were able to do that, and it was just as amazing as ever…except I really need to work on my skills, I use to be good and now I feel like I’m just ok. Granted I did make the BYU racquetball team this year. We didn’t have a ball to play with so I said we would just borrow one. Kara and I walk down to where there are a group of people. I ask if we can borrow a ball, they ask if I’m on the racquetball team, I say yes and they give me a ball. As we are walking back Kara looked at me and said, Bree your not on the racquetball team and I shot back at her, “In my mind I am”.

Sorry for all the Raq pics-its our favorite sport to play together

Somehow Ashley always ended up on the ground

This trip I had to squeeze the creamery and jdawgs into one meal-thanks Jess for splitting with me

After the twilight movie-histarical

Shopping in Park City
Our Loot

In the afternoon we drove up to Park City for some good old fashion Outlet shopping, that of course was after we spent an hour in the down east parking lot shopping the outside sale in the freezing cold. Once in Park City we were starving and found a Café Rio. A deal here a deal there and by 7 o’clock we were driving home.
Of course I had to stop by my favorite places to eat, the creamery and jdawgs, but we only had one meal to eat at those two places…thankfully my good friend Jessica wanted to have both places too and we split a hotdog and a kids meal, best idea ever! After of course I wanted to go stalk Nie Nie but Jessica was not so excited about the adventure. Jessica was on her mission the last time we went stalking and didn’t realize how fun it is. We drove by her sister’s house but nothing exciting, then we went to her house and it was awesome. She has a big window and you can see right through it…we saw Christian for sure and started screaming. We flipped a uie and came around again only to see nie nie herself in her house! It was crazy and Jessica loved every second of it, even though she pretended not to be excited to go stalking in the beginning. One day my stalking dreams will come true and we will get to meet Sister Parkin, but until then I will just listen to her voice message over and over again.
The rehearsal dinner was an event as well. Basically Cris didn’t have a lot of family there so we all shared stories or our thoughts about her. I of course ended my speech by saying that if he broke her heart I would break his neck. None of us have really ever seen Cris cry so it was quite the night.
Happiest moments of the day

The math teacher always always keeps score

This is our favorite game to play together-NERTZ

Our roommate toast and early Christmas gifts

The wedding day finally came and we were all up at the crack of down to get ready. I even ironed the wedding dress! Once we got the bride out the door, it was time to get ourselves ready and on the road to Manti! After a 2 hour drive where we of course talked about Rape (Hailey is into rape recovery) we made it just in time for them to get into the temple. For a day in November Cris really lucked out on the weather, it was cold, but the sun was out and it made for a lot of great pics. Just as soon as the pictures were taken we were headed back to provo, but first we had to find something to eat since none of us had time for breakfast. We have a few picky eaters and so where we can stop for food is always a debate. Finally we settled on some malt shop in Ephraim. And let me just say their sweet potato tater tots were good, but they were extremely over priced and the slowest service ever! It absolutely was the sourest moment of the whole trip paying 8 dam bucks for a kids meal that came with regular vanilla ice cream! Anyways we had to rush back to provo so we would have time to make the literally 20 gallons of soup for the reception. Thankfully the recipes were just pour and stir, but still to find space and get all the ingredients in was a huge feat. Finally the reception came and we got to eat the soup we had been slaving over. And then the most amazing part of the reception happened, besides flirting with Hailey’s boyfriend all night, Cristy’s mother interrupts the MC and has everyone turn their attention to a red headed family in the back and tells everyone that they are why she married Tyson so that she could have red headed kids. It was true. That night ended with more Nertz and though we tried to go to bed early since I had to wake up at 4am it just didn’t happen. There were lots of lessons learned, but most of all, never book a flight at 6am on the day before thanksgiving! I literally had 7 minutes to get to my gate once I got through security and had to run half a mile to not miss my flight!

Doing Cris' hair
I had to iron the wedding dress-which was beyond difficult and stressful

I wasn't a bridesmaid, but I tried to pretend I was one

The one and only Melody P.-did not disappoint!

The reason for the trip-good thing I like him! :)

Highlights from the trip include: Hot water at cris’ apartment for my shower, one word-Racquetball, two words Cristy’s Mom, the cat move, happiest moments of the day every day, friends yw lesson, wholesale scenty store, jdawg sauce, Brian


Kara said...


I loved this post! So many good memories that I can't wait for the next one. I still cannot believe that you told them you were on the racquetball team and then justify it by saying "Well in my mind I am", love it.

Cristy said...

I just saw this but can I say that I'm glad Brian was in the highlights from the trip.