Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shooting with my boys

I've driven by Ben Avery Shooting Range about 500 times in my life, but have never actually gone to any of the ranges. It is a really nice facility and surprisingly busy. Casey (not my brother) just got a new scope for his 22, so it was pretty cool figuring out how to zero your scope in. I'm not a great range shooter, my hands shake pretty bad, and my eye sight is not the best so those two combinations don't add up to a handful of bulls eyes. I was incredibly stoked though that the first time I shot I hit the black dot from 50 feet, it was sick. Granted the rest of the day I didn't really come close to anything else, but all you need is one.
Casey setting up targets

Casey's 9mm

My one awesome shot!


Shelly Rowlan said...

Shelly Rowlan said...

Well, I have to say you have no problem with the quick-on-the-spot thinking. However, for the next 8 weeks, I am either doing an RS Enrichment or a USTA tennis match every Thursday night. ARRGGHH!!!
That USTA Team is getting in the way of a lot of things I want to do on Thursdays. But your apology is accepted, and, I wouldn't have been able to go anyway because I had RS visits and Petyl, so I was just kidding, but I will put a shotgun on my Mother's Day list.

*JULIA* said...

I wish you half as accurate when shooting a basketball when your on my team. Is this the new guy you were telling me about!! I am so happy for you guys!