Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Godson's


 I'm actually pretty surprised at how long it took for my roommates to finally have kids---that may have been what made these first boys so epic.  Cristy and Ashley both announced their pregnancy to us all on our private blog, with matching pregnancy test pictures!  That commenced buying doubles of every outfit I loved and not only in "blue" but also in "pink" since we didnt know what they were having yet.  Once it was known that they were both having boys, it made shopping a lot easier!
Originally the due dates for these boys were a few days apart, then at some point it was a week apart and by the end, again within a few days.  Cristy went in first, due to the hospital having an empty bed open.  Ashley was schedued for a c-section the following day.  Cristy was a champ and held out till the next morning to have Kasen.  Ashley delivered Ashton a few hours later making them in my eyes TWINS!!!  To me, it worked out perfect cause I wouldnt have to rank them as first and second god children instead they both get to be my first!

I literally didnt realize how emotional having them born would be, but on November 28th I cried almost all day at work!  All my roommates are amazing and its at times like these when I absoletlely hate that we all dont live close to each other.  Nothing made me more sad than not being able to be there at the hospital.  I vowed right then to only marry a rich man, so I wouldnt miss any more of these moments!  

1 comment:

Cristy said...

Haha...just saw this. Love it.