Thursday, August 16, 2012

Girls Camp

Girl’s camp was way different this year! Not only was it only 3 days instead of 5 and not on a Sunday, but more than half my normal posse was missing. I thought I would just totally hate it only being 3 days, but I think I kinda loved it! For some reason, I’m guessing mostly cause my friends were gone, but I slept more at camp than I ever have in my life. Besides my friends not being there, it seemed like we never got a break, I didn’t get to check out sports or crafts or learn the dance at all and I taught the same girls for 2 hours straight which I felt bad for them having to sit there and listen to me for so long. But like every year, I had great girls and that always makes it fun. Plus we got to dance a lot and I loved that part. A huge huge snipe/gorilla made camp seem worth it. I knew what was going on in the woods and that it was just Jason in the suit, but I still was a little scared! Jason did an amazing job, acting like a big huge monster! I only wish we could have spray painted his shoes black….next year for sure! Mostly camp consisted of talking about spray tanning and all the different reality shows we watch and of course scarring Cindy which is always a highlight.

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