Thursday, February 9, 2012

2011 Year in Review: February

Even though February is a short month I managed to cram a ton of fun into it. Due to being unemployed I got to hang up in Idaho for a good week! Not only did Gunnar leave on his mission, but Ashley got married. I was very grateful those occasions landed so close together and I got to go to both! Of course it wouldn’t be an Idaho trip without going shooting. I love being out there with my boys, but this time it was a big party. Anytime something flew in the air we had at least 6 people going for it. It was cold of course but there’s nothing like shooting spray paint and eggs. And it wouldn’t be a Christiansen party without the crazy boys playing just dance.
As soon as Gunski left it was wedding time! Jamie and I went to several stores to find last minute decorations and though I’m not crafty at all, I was painting sticks, glue gunning and making headbands. Mostly I think my job was to be a buffer with everyone. The only time I didn’t really do my job was when we were at a Mexican Restaurant and Colleen wanted to order like 8 more flat sheets of cake from Costco, even though we had a ton of cupcakes and cheesecake.(someone did the math and figured we had enough dessert for like 600 people and she still wanted to get more desserts). Everyone was saying they go to receptions and just have one piece, but of course I was completely honest and said no I would try a piece of everything! Let’s just say we had tons and tons of leftovers!
Highlights from the trip included, Valentine’s day with Jones(he was beyond sick and we basically slept all day together), shooting with Gunnar, getting to see my fake relatives Uncle Val and Lisa etc, pregnant Jamie is always out of control, finding a striper for Ashley, staying up late in Twin Falls to Cristy’s “I just went with it” story and dancing to Pocketful of sunshine with the roomies at the reception.
My first time shooting an over under I think

My favorite cowboy hat of all time, thankfully Papsy lets me wear it when I'm in Idaho

My favorite shooting boy when Im in Idaho-Gunski

Loved being in Idaho for moments like hairdo run throughs for the wedding day
Getting our nails done
Bachelorette party
Not sure what Ashley is doing
This was before he made me cry-he did a great job at the rehearsal dinner and when he talked about Ashley, I knew he was the one.
Gooch Tradition:bowling the night before the wedding

One of the most shocking nights of my life-Cristy tells us, she just "went with it." Of course I had to explain to her, that she can't just go with it with boys!
Last pic before she was married

My favorite picture that I took during the wedding, its so sweet.
It was freezing!

My favorite part of the wedding!!! Loved the candy!!

The little girls!
Dancing the night away!

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