Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Germs and Halloween

I'm pretty sure that Tara will love what we did on Halloween night. Usually you bob for apples in a silver barrel type thing, but not this raccoon...thats right we bobbed for apples out of a toliet. I figure if I'm gonna sit on the toliet, I might as well stick my head right in the bowl! Once I got the apple there seemed to be a few extra chunks in my mouth, not sure what they were but I'll let you imagine.

Sick Halloween Face Wet with Toliet Water!


*JULIA* said...

Soooo that is probably one of the sickest things I've seen, EVER!

Why did you feel you had to do this??

Wasn't it you that is grossed out by having your hair brush face down on the counter??

Tara said...

OOOOOHHHH!!! MMMMMYYYY!!! GGGOOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!! Bree, I have never been SO disgusted! This is not a joke! That is wrong! WRONG!!! WHY??? WHY??? WHY??? I, I can't even comment any longer because I can see the pics on the side and I think I might vomit. I'm also experiencing chest pains.................Bree, please tell me this isn't real! Please, tell me you used trick photography! Please, please tell me that!!! WHY BREE, WHY???!!!

Brianne said...

That is so sick I can barely breath. I think I just threw up in my mouth.....UGH!!!!!!

Cheryl said...

Holy Cow, is that my toilet? You know I saw some (perfectly good) apples in the garbage so I put them out on the counter and someone ate them!!! eeooooowww!!!!!

Krista said...

This is great Breba!! You totally did it!! You grossed out my ENTIRE family!! hahahaha!!!!!

Steve and Erin Larsen said...