Friday, September 5, 2014

Dolly Parton in Concert

Hands down one of the best concerts I’ve been to is Dolly Parton. I think maybe because I wasn’t expecting anything big, and it’s not like there was fire or dancers coming down from the ceiling, but Dolly was truly entertaining. I was hoping for more of her solid hits, but she actually sang, a lot of her songs off her most recent album. And usually I hate when I don’t know the songs, but because Dolly is such a great singer, they all sounded fantastic! My favorite songs, were of course Rocky Top and 9 to 5. 
I knew I wanted to go see Dolly, because lets face it, who knows how long she is going to live for and she is a legend!  That’s not including the fact that she is in one of my favorite movies, Steel Magnolias or that Reba loves her.  The tickets though, were pretty frickin expensive, I was surprised, that there really weren’t any cheap seats.  My friend Big Ash and I went down to the venue to see if we could buy tickets.  I talk to the scalpers and they are all super high, apparently the show is basically sold out, except for some restricted vision seats. I even went over to one of the radio station booths to try and talk them into giving me tickets.  With no success we actually walked down and got something to eat and went shopping at urban outfitters.  We decided to walk back since the show had already started to see if we could get tickets from whoever was left.  I talked to a guy on a bike, but he wouldn’t go down to my price.  As we were walking back across the street, there were guys in front of us and I just asked if they had any extra tickets…sure enough the guy did and just handed it to us! Now that we got one ticket for free, we could use both of our funds to buy one ticket!  Went back over to the bike dude, got him down a little more and bought one ticket. 

I don’t know how many songs we missed, but I think it was just a few. Ashley and I didn’t sit together during the first half, but there were some empty seats in front of me that I had her come and sit in. The night was truly filled with interesting people. There was an old couple that I sat next to, and we started talking to during the intermission. Turns out the 70 year old women seemed fairly well off, said she owned a business. I wanting to open my own business asked her what kind of business. She asked me if I knew bourbon street, for which I replied, OMG you own a whole street?!?! Then she let me know, it was not a street, but a tidy bar as she called it. I was downright shocked! Then there was this lady about two or three rows in front of me, that was drunk out of her mind by the second song. She kept yelling/talking to Dolly like Dolly could hear her, even though we were several yards away. Something about how it was her birthday. I was so excited for Ashley to see her craziness for the second half, but I think she finally hit the wall. Granted that didn’t stop her from yelling out “Diamonds” randomly!!! She was insane. Even the old lady next to me, would lean over and say, she is high on something.  After the show, she somehow found her way around us, and her face, which I had never really seen because we were behind her and let’s just say, it looked like someone took a hammer to her face…drugs, alcohol, smoking totally had destroyed her. She even started talking to Big Ash because she couldn’t find her sister and started calling her names, it truly was a treat to watch! The night ended with trying to decide on a 40 dollar shirt to by, which by the way, cost more than the tickets we bought, but who knows, when she dies it probably will be worth $100!

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