2011 Year in Review: August

In August our ward had a camping trip. We headed up to lynx lake and since it was going to be Will’s last weekend in town I decided to bring the hammock. It was a late late night thanks to one of the ward members who didn’t shut his mouth until at least 4am! In the morning we decided to drive up through Jerome and back down through Sedona to go to slide rock. The last time I went to Jerome I was probably about 8 years old, it was on our way to a daddy daughter campout. Once we got to Jerome we had lunch at a pretty cool place that served water in mason jars, which I loved! Then we walked farther on up to a haunted hotel. Then we were headed to our next destination-slide rock. I hadn’t been to slide rock since I was about 6 and wore matching clothes with my cousin! I hadn’t brought clothes to get wet since we decided to go that morning. I was more there just to see Will do a gainer off one of the cliffs, which he did like a pro.
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