One of my good friends from back in the day got married.
I was called to be on the Activities committee for our stake Trek again and thought it would be a blast. Then I went on the Trek and realized I had forgotten all the parts that were dreadful from the first time I went. And to top it off, this time it was freezing! The first morning we woke up, I literally told the girls-I just want to die. On the first trek, yeah it wasn’t fun sleeping on the ground, but this time since it was cold it was easily 500 times worse! Plus we didn’t even have a fire till the last night! Which was probably a good thing, cause no one would have ever wanted to leave the fire to go to bed. Oh and this time we didn’t get into our first camping spot until after dark, which makes setting things so much more difficult. The second day was better, we did the women’s pull and that’s always a cool experience. It wasn’t the same as doing it myself like I did last year, but it still was so moving to see the boys reactions and see the girls really go beyond what they thought they could do.
This year I wasn’t an Aunt assigned to a family, more like a traveler, which I kind of liked cause I got to go visit with everyone. Because I didn’t have an actual family, my stuff went wherever and it ended up that the second night my sleeping bag and jacket were missing. Of course I stayed close to the Ma and Pa of my home ward who took good care of me. But I also spent a fair amount of time with a family that had a lot of my recent 4th years. The food was not quite like I remembered it from the first time, things didn’t seem as delicious to me for some reason. The last day we didn’t even really get to spend a lot of time doing the fun and games part. But regardless we were still happy to head home, even if the bus was hot and sweaty!
Highlights from the trek include-hanging with old 4th years, meeting the boys they like and watching them interact. Everyone thinking I was 14. Hearing the boys cheer for the girl on the women’s pull. Parts of Testimony meeting. Talking with Jen about the dirty cussing hater I wanted. Dancing with all the little boys to get them to dance with girls. Bus ride home.
In the middle of the Trek I was pulled away and told that someone called to say I didn’t show up for work. Apparently I was suppose to come in on a weds, to start my new job at Wells Fargo, but little did they know I was on a Trek. So I actually didn’t start until the following weds, due to my boss’ wife wanting me to come to Sedona.
Again Julia had a hook up with another relative and had us come up for an overnighter at a cabin/house right on the creek. The first we walked down and the kids played on one of the slides. It was pretty hot, but the water was freezing. On the way back, it started to rain which was so cold, but thankfully we all jumped in the hot tub to get warm! We took a nap, or tried to in the afternoon but mostly we talked. We had dinner followed by a talent show and leg wrestling followed by a dance off. I thought that I would win coming back from the Trek where I learned a secret tactic. But Julia took home the victory. The next day we played a little baseball, went on another hike and found a rope swing. One of the highlights of the small trip was Uncle Jazz who actually played with the kids and would scare them!
Rope Swing
After the rainy hike, the hot tub was amazing!
Julia is trying to get us with her muddy feet
After the talent show, of course we had a dance party
The YSA had their Water/lake activity and I took a few of the jet skis. Of course one of them didn’t work. So we used it to keep the stereo afloat while we chilled out on a little shallow sand bar redneck style blasting out my favorite song at the time, My baby likes to Fish. Some of my friends were also in a wing competition that was pretty fun to watch-Will dominated.


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