In March I got a tattoo. Ok, so maybe it was just a fake tramp stamp but BYU was in the sweet 16 so it called for drastic measures. Once again I thought that letting my weeds get big would make them easier to take out. That was a mistake, I had to use a saw to cut those branches and then my brilliant idea to burn them in the garbage can didn’t work out so well either. Lessons in owning a home number 1 and 2-don’t let weeds grow bigger than you, don’t burn things in a garbage can-the smell never leaves! The Relief Society had another shoot out and despite my gun malfunctioning I was still able to hit a few clays.
Hate when I have the safety on! Scream!
Can you tell I hate when I miss...more screams
I think I was trying to get three in a row...and settled for shooting two at the same time...though Im not sure I really got it...but whoever was watching seems to think I did.

I think I shoot in boots a lot!
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