I have never been to Hawaii in my life. And apparently I
know nothing of geography because I got on the plane thinking it was going to
be a three hour flight and it turned into 6 hours!!! I so wasn’t prepared for
that at all. Not to mention that I
actually had a window seat, but this guy sat in it! I was basically miserable the whole plane
ride, trying not to cough and wanting desperately to sleep and not being able
to get comfortable. Cris was at the airport to pick me up and it was a little rainy
so we went back to the hotel and waited for Tyson to get off work to go
eat. During the week we were able to hit
the huge swap meet, hanama bay, a few beaches, a waterfall, swimming with sharks,
the PCC, the Hawaii temple, the dole plantation and other fun places. Pictures describe it way better below.
(None of the pictures are in order, but just some of the highlights of my week in Hawaii!!!)
Saw both my Godsons less than 24hours apart, one in AZ and one in HI
We got a discount at Sealife park and it was cool, because hardly anyone was there and you got to see animals pretty close up! I think next time I might even swim with dolphins.
We ate at cinnomns a famous place, and I totally got screwed on the bill. 4 pancakes ended up costing me 20 dollars instead of 10 like the menu said! The guava was the best though for sure!
My frist time snorkeling...which took some getting use to since I had been so sick the weeks prior and had shortness of breath.
All the fish were really cool, though I really wanted to see a sea turtle.
Walking in backwards they say is easier.
On our way out to swim with sharks!
In the cage with the BIG brown family!
Since you only get to swim for like 20 mins, I wanted to make sure I was underneath the water as much as possible. The water was the best you get, so said the captain, it was crystal blue but still pretty much freezing to me!
One of my favorite pictures of me and Kasyn that some lady took while Cris and Ty were swimming.
One evening after the guys got done with work, we hiked to a waterfall.

Stouson eating an apple
Easily best part of the PCC was getting to see my bro Gunski! Randomly, completely randomly I saw him try to get a seat at the performance we were watching, I didnt think it was him at all, since hello he just got engaged and why in the world would he be in Hawaii?!? but it was really him and it was so fun getting to hang out with him there! Wish we had more time together for sure!

When I read the list of things you could do at the PCC, taking a canoe ride, was def on my list of things to do. Though I was sad it was such a short ride, it still was alot of fun!
Gunnar and Tyson, both got volunteered to dance at one of the mini celebrations and got these cool flower headbands for participating.
We splurged a little on dinner and went to the Lau. And after dinner was the fire show, which was pretty amazing!
I also got to go to Hawaii temple, which was really cool and the grounds were so beautiful of course
The dole plant was kinda a bust, because it was so freezing. All week I hadnt been getting anything pineapple because I wanted to wait till the dole plant. Well sure enough the day we go, it was kind of rainy and so downing pinapple yogurt wasnt the easiest, but it sure was really good!