I never thought we would have another temple in Arizona, who knew the phoenix temple would be so so close to us. It was kind of a cool experience getting to go to the town meetings and finally the meeting with the govenor. Every meeting while long was sprinkled with a few crazy moments....like when they said we did canning in the temple or that having the temple built would cause 4 animals to go extinct! I really cant wait for it to be built!

1st Meeting @ Deer Valley Community Center. People had to wait outside but we were some of the lucky ones who got to stand on the wall for 2 and half hours. And when I say stand, I really mean squeezed next to the person next you.

2nd Meeting @ Central High School. We got to sit down and I tried to work on a talk I had coming up. Sitting next to the Dawson boys is always a fun night.
3rd Meeting @ The Orphiem. We didnt get free parking but it was worth it. Of course Julia didnt want to take a picture, but I made them.